It specifies a bubble-point test method for verifying the fabrication integrity of a filter element or determining the localization of the largest pore of the filter element by determining the first bubble point. Verification of fabrication integrity defines the acceptability of the filter elements for further use or testing. The first bubble noint is established throuah continuation of the fabrication intearity testIt is under no circumstances a functional characteristic of a filter element in particular. It cannot be used for extrapolation to the concepts of filtration rating, efficiency or retention capacity and should be used for information only.
It specifies a method of testing full-flow lubricating oil filiters for internal combustion engines to determine their ability to withsatand a static pressure objective and to determine their burst pressure and the failure mode concerned.
The oil filter pressure difference-flow characteristic tester is a test used to measure the pressure difference-flow characteristic of the full-flow oil filter of the internal combustion engine. The test specifies the use of two oil viscosities to evaluate the performance of the filter with low temperature oil and normal operating temperature oil.
The Filtration Efficiency and Contaminant Retention Capacity Test Machine for Oil Filter is used for testing the contaminant capacity of a filter, its particulate removal characteristics and differential pressure.It use a multi-pass filtration test with continuous contaminant injection and using the on-line particle counting method for evaluating the performance of the full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines.
The Fuel filter rig test machine is used for testing the contaminant capacity of a filter, its particulate removal characteristics and differential pressure.
It use a multi-pass filtration test with continuous contaminant injection and using the on-line particle counting method for evaluating the performance of diesel fuel and petrol filters for internal combustion engines submitted to a constant flow rate of the test liquid.
Automotive filter pulse testing machine is specially designed for the test medium of mineral oil hydraulic oil, suitable for high pulse pressure, high pulse frequency, comprehensive test for pipe fitting with small expansion.